The Steady Inhabitant


The Steady Inhabitant is constructed on a cursed city. Parts of The Steady Inhabitant are somewhat hot. A solar eclipse is happening outside. It is occupied by Satyrs. Kia Marlow The Foolish, a Frost Giant is here. The Satyrs are the slaves of Kia Marlow The Foolish. She is founding a new religion.



Cuomcaeh is a powerful artifact in the shape of a hard crystal. It smells like lily of the valley. When cradled it flies into the air.


the private battlement

The crystal walls are caving in.

the round great hall

Gray lichens are growing from the ceiling. The brick walls are caving in. The air smells like shrimp here.

the surprising storage room

White razorgrass is decaying in broken urns. The air smells like menthol here. The metallic walls are bloodstained.

the integrated foyer

the structural refectory

The obsidion walls are caving in. The air smells like phenolic here.

the ample jail

White lichens are sprouting from the walls. The air tastes like orchid here. The wooden walls are covered in mold.

the industrial nursery

The stone walls are ruined. The air tastes like resin here. There are fourteen Satyrs here. One of the Satyrs is working a mechanism that can lock the exits.

the domestic tower

There is a trap here. When activated, a magical rune will launch a ceiling pendulum. The air smells like orangeflower here. The floor is smooth. There are a Gelatinous Cube and a Young White Dragon here. The metallic walls are pristine. Gray mushrooms are decaying in cracks in the floor.