The Sound Duration


The Sound Duration is constructed on a haunted city. Some rooms of it are cursed. A battle between raiders is happening outside. It is occupied by Cyclopses. Lakisha Kimmel The Belligerent, a Hobgoblin Warlord is here. The Cyclopses have been charmed by Lakisha Kimmel The Belligerent. She is founding a new religion.


The Beautiful Fibre

The Beautiful Fibre is a powerful artifact in the shape of a glassy blade. Water slides away from it. It smells like malt. When picked up it floats above the ground.


the familiar minaret

The floor is bloodstained. There are two Cyclopses here. The Cyclopses are willing to negotiate.

the international forge

The floor is sticky. The wooden walls are scratched.

There is an engraving on a tablet written in common.

Go away.

the vacant crypt

The floor is sticky.

The air smells like caramel here. There are an Ice Mephit, a Merrow, a Drow Mage, and a Giant Crab here. The floor is bloodstained.

the random pantry

The air tastes like starfruit here. Green razorgrass is decaying from the ceiling. There are a Frog, a Giant Scorpion, a Crocodile, and a Giant Shark here.

the artificial coliseum

There are a Pentadrone, a Quaggoth, and a Druid here. Red lichens are growing from the ceiling. The air tastes like caramel here.

There is an engraving on the ceiling written in common.

O! sad god

yet never secular

angry, balanced, odd

nothing is molecular

the warm cavern

The crystal walls are unsettled. Gray razorgrass is decaying from the walls. The air smells like phenolic here.

There is an engraving on the wall written in common.

Try hiding.

the military threshold

The air tastes like wormwood here. There are two Cyclopses here. The floor is flooded with one inch deep scalding water. One of the Cyclopses is on watch, the rest are caring for babies.

the tall library

The mirrored walls are bloodstained. There are a Chuul, an Ankheg, a Grick, and an Axe Beak here.

the progressive meditation room

There is a trap here. When activated, a magical sound detector will flood the room with water. There are a Centaur, a Giant Rat, a Winter Wolf, and a Gnoll Pack Lord here. The floor is cluttered with broken glass. Red razorgrass is decaying from the walls. The air smells like corn here.

the superior belfry

There are an Incubus, a Ghoul, and a Sahuagin Priestess here. The obsidion walls are covered in mold. There is a trap here. When activated, a tripwire will cast a curse.