The Early Defendant


The Early Defendant is located under a crystal plain. Regions of it are flooded. The ruin is sinking into the earth. It is occupied by Thri-Kreens. Clemente Woodley The Cantankerous, a Yuan-Ti Malison is here. The Thri-Kreens have been charmed by Clemente Woodley The Cantankerous. He is trying to research Ihaela Iauhg.


Ihaela Iauhg

Ihaela Iauhg looks like an opaque crystal. It smells like saffron. Psychic energy slips away from it. It is a pale purple color. When smelled it turns surrounding objects to ashes.


the random vestibule

There is a trap here. When activated, a magical proximity detector will launch a fusillade of darts. The mirrored walls are covered in mold. The floor is smooth.

the operational propylaeum

The air smells like praline here. There are three Thri-Kreens here. The floor is flooded with two inch deep lukewarm water. One of the Thri-Kreens is on watch, the rest are fighting amongst themselves.

the systematic guard post

White moss is sprouting in cracks in the floor. The floor is glossy.

There is an engraving on the wall written in common.

I am lost in The Early Defendant.

the illegal meeting hall

There are three Thri-Kreens here. The air smells like nut flesh here. One of the Thri-Kreens is working a mechanism that can flood the room.

the bare portico

The air smells like paper here. The floor is bloodstained. There are three Thri-Kreens here. One of the Thri-Kreens is working a mechanism that can launch acid at the Ruin Dogs.

There is an engraving on the ceiling written in common.

Poor me! death is sadistic

polite, federal, optimistic

modest, loyal, unemployed

all is characteristic

the flawed sepulcher

The crystal walls are caving in. White lichens are growing in cracks in the floor.

the complete portico

Green lichens are sprouting from the walls. The crystal walls are unsettled. The floor is flooded with eight inch deep lukewarm water.

the proportional forge

The air tastes like coriander here. The glass walls are caving in. Green razorgrass is decaying from the ceiling.

There is an engraving on a stone written in Thri-Kreens Script.

Ihaela Iauhg

personal and smooth

yet never proportional

holy, transparent, possible

Ihaela Iauhg

minor, miserable, inappropriate

helpless, right, good

you shall be frozen