The Astonishing Tradition


The Astonishing Tradition is located in a cursed rift. Regions of The Astonishing Tradition are inaccessible. The ruin is sinking into the earth. It is occupied by Duergars. Belle Fielder The Vulgar, a Druid is here. The Duergars are the soldiers of Belle Fielder The Vulgar. She is founding a new religion.


Defehhah Hedufedufwi

Defehhah Hedufedufwi has the form of a soft amulet. When held it grants a wish.


the dramatic nursery

Red mushrooms are swaying in broken urns. The wooden walls are caving in.

the grand larder

There are two Duergars here. The metallic walls are covered in mold. The floor is bloodstained. One of the Duergars is on watch, the rest are celebrating.

the large guard post

Gray mushrooms are swaying from the ceiling. The floor is cluttered with ashes.

the funny hold

The crystal walls are unsettled. There are two Duergars here. One of the Duergars is working a mechanism that can lock the exits.

the bloody trophy hall

The brick walls are caving in. Red razorgrass is decaying in cracks in the floor. There are two Duergars here. If the Duergars notice the Ruin Dogs, one of them will retreat and alert the others.

There is an engraving on the floor written in common.

O! the memory of you is poor

strategic, viable, pure

it is always viable

hope is reliable

the unfortunate nursery

Yellow mushrooms are swaying from the walls.

the major courtyard

Red lichens are growing from the walls. The air smells like salmon here. There are a Spined Devil and a Commoner here. The metallic walls are bloodstained. The floor is cluttered with broken glass.

the black privy

The air smells like sap here. The floor is sticky.

the shallow larder

The floor is flooded with six inch deep scalding water. The stone walls are ruined. There are two Duergars here. The air smells like juice here. The Duergars are willing to negotiate.

the socialist nursery

There are two Duergars here. Yellow ferns are swaying from the ceiling. The air tastes like freshly cut hay here. The floor is sticky. The Duergars are meditating.