The Astonishing File


The Astonishing File is located on a broken city. Some rooms of The Astonishing File are cursed. The ruin is coming to life. It is occupied by Kenku. Tawanda Shull The Inflexible, a Gnoll Pack Lord is here. The Kenku are the slaves of Tawanda Shull The Inflexible. She is founding a new religion.


Becmaema Ghuuf

Becmaema Ghuuf is a powerful artifact in the shape of a sharp figurine. Water slips near it. It smells like white chocolate. When held it burns the mind.


the scientific steeple

Blue mushrooms are sprouting in cracks in the floor. The stone walls are scratched.

the thin chapel

White lichens are sprouting in broken urns. The air tastes like roasted hazelnut here.

the vulnerable summoning room

The obsidion walls are scratched. There are twelve Kenkus here. The floor is smooth. One of the Kenku is on watch, the rest are fighting amongst themselves.

The wooden walls are covered in mold.

the standard chapel

Gray razorgrass is sprouting in broken urns. There are twelve Kenkus here. The Kenku are feasting.

the regional garden

The floor is flooded with five inch deep cool water. There are a Sprite, a Giant Rat, a Gas Spore, and a Water Weird here. White moss is swaying in a patch on the floor.

There is an engraving on a stone written in Kenku Script.

A fish is a width

yet perfect

but never honorable

but never comparable

conservative and viable

yet handy

colourful, tolerant, handy

incapable, rational, social

A fish is a width

the safe wine cellar

There is a trap here. When activated, a magical sound detector will launch a rolling boulder. The stone walls are ruined. There are twelve Kenkus here. Green lichens are decaying in cracks in the floor. The Kenku are performing a ritual. If not interrupted, the ruin dogs will be weakened.

the grand cloister

There is a Bearded Devil here. The air tastes like rose tea here.

the surprising war Room

There are twelve Kenkus here. The floor is sticky. One of the Kenku is working a mechanism that can engulf the room in a fiery blaze.

the tropical observatory

There is a trap here. When activated, a pressure plate will launch a poison dart. Green mushrooms are sprouting in broken urns.

the comfortable meditation room

Blue ferns are sprouting in broken urns. There are a Magma Mephit and a Minotaur here.