Gaehdaf Behesaema


Gaehdaf Behesaema is located under a crystal rift. Parts of it are cursed. The ruin is collapsing slowly. It is occupied by Cyclopses. Erminia Luther The Compulsive, a Cloud Giant is here. The Cyclopses are the soldiers of Erminia Luther The Compulsive. She is founding a new religion.



Icfaia looks like a warm figurine. When worshipped it shows an image of the future.


the memorable portico

The stone walls are covered in mold. The floor is sticky. There are two Cyclopses here. Gray mushrooms are swaying from the ceiling. The Cyclopses are defending this room from intruders.

the new guard post

There are two Cyclopses here. The air smells like humus here. The Cyclopses are performing a ritual. If not interrupted, the Cyclopses will become more powerful.

the complex boudoir

White moss is sprouting in a patch on the floor. The air tastes like radish here. There are a Rat, a Jackal, two Myconid Sovereigns, a Mezzoloth, an Orc, and here.

There is an engraving on the ceiling written in common.

I hid something in Gaehdaf Behesaema.

Leave at once.

the flat shrine

The wooden walls are bloodstained.

There is an engraving on the ceiling written in common.

We are joyful

perfect, adequate, solar

modern and ignorant

the formal sewing room

The air tastes like chocolate here. The wooden walls are scratched. The floor is cluttered with rocks. There are two Cyclopses here. One of the Cyclopses is on watch, the rest are drunk.

the vulnerable cloakroom

The air tastes like apricot here. There are a Pony, an Ankheg, a Lizardfolk, a Couatl, a Cultist, a Hobgoblin, a Phase Spider, and a Hawk here. The floor is flooded with two inch deep scalding water.

There is an engraving on a tablet written in common.

Try fighting.

the childish chapel

Blue lichens are growing in broken urns. There are two Cyclopses here. The floor is cluttered with shells. The crystal walls are ruined. The air tastes like foliage here. The Cyclopses are willing to negotiate.

the unpleasant infirmary

The floor is flooded with seven inch deep hot water. White mushrooms are sprouting in a patch on the floor.

the stupid infirmary

The air smells like parsley here.

There is an engraving on the wall written in Cyclopses Script.

I am fleeing this place.

the harsh tomb

Blue ferns are sprouting from the walls.