Dmuduhfedm Cmaed


Dmuduhfedm Cmaed is located on an obsidion plain. Some rooms of it are cursed. The ruin is burning. It is occupied by Sprites. Kate Larsen The Lazy, a Drow Priestess of Lolth is here. The Sprites are the soldiers of Kate Larsen The Lazy. She is trying to exploit Ibahh Cuhl.


Ibahh Cuhl

Ibahh Cuhl is a powerful artifact in the shape of an opaque meteorite. Psychic energy flows around it. It smells like violet leaf. When cradled it destroys itself.


the scientific bedchamber

The air tastes like orange peel here. The crystal walls are caving in.

There is an engraving on a monolith written in common.

O! meak you

inappropriate, direct, new

it is always aggressive

fate is impressive

the experimental vault

There are a Druid, a Centaur, a Grick Alpha, a Cockatrice, a Hawk, and a Giant Elk here. The air smells like cilantro here.

the single passageway

The air smells like juniper here. There are twenty eight Sprites here. One of the Sprites is on watch, the rest are sleeping.

the civilian privy

The air tastes like yeast here.

There is an engraving on a tablet written in common.

A shirt is an award

unlawful and excited

always desirable

You are damned

yet effective

Ibahh Cuhl

restless and functional

the important linen room

The obsidion walls are pristine. Gray razorgrass is sprouting from the ceiling. There are a Phase Spider and a Gladiator here.

There is an engraving on a tablet written in Sprites Script.

Ibahh Cuhl

visual, main, informal

lucky and monthly

yet never military

distant, noble, grateful

the conventional depository

The air tastes like rain here. There are a Lizard King, a Spined Devil, a Duodrone, a Basilisk, and a Magmin here.

the quiet closet

The air tastes like castoreum here. There are a Giant Rat, an Awakened Tree, an Old Faerie Dragon, a Bandit Captain, and a Berserker here.

the expensive privy

The air tastes like almond here.

the friendly workshop

The air smells like hazelnut here. There are twenty eight Sprites here. Blue razorgrass is decaying in broken urns. One of the Sprites is pointing a ballista at the entrance.

There is an engraving on a monolith written in Sprites Script.

Oh pitiful we

industrial, color-blind, free

constructive and bold

the world is cold

the cool spire

There is an engraving on a stone written in common.

A pencil is a calf

trivial and pleasant

curious and subsequent

A pencil is a calf