Demah Fuda


Demah Fuda is constructed on an obsidion tree. Some rooms of it are foggy. A solar eclipse is happening outside. It is occupied by Thri-Kreens. Earl Catalano The Lazy, a Gladiator is here. The Thri-Kreens are the slaves of Earl Catalano The Lazy. He is founding a new religion.


The Medieval Consultation

The Medieval Consultation is a powerful artifact in the shape of a mushy gem. It is a light brown color. Psychic energy pours near it. It smells like cologne. When eaten it becomes a force of destiny.


the temporary depository

The concrete walls are caving in. The floor is glossy. There are a Weretiger, a Goat, a Steam Mephit, a Kuo-Toa, and a Giant Boar here. The air tastes like petitgrain here.

the functional turret

There are a Noble, a Kenku, an Orc Eye of Gruumsh, an Ogre Zombie, a Swarm of Insects, and a Giant Lizard here. The air tastes like jonquil here.

There is an engraving on the floor written in common.

Oh terrible fate

it is always straight

junior, horizontal, invisible

hope is visible

the regional studio

The stone walls are unsettled. The air tastes like cumin here. Blue ferns are decaying from the ceiling. The floor is smooth.

the urban forge

Gray ferns are decaying in a patch on the floor.

the industrial spire

The stone walls are covered in mold. Yellow mushrooms are swaying in cracks in the floor. The floor is cluttered with debris.

the black shrine

The obsidion walls are caving in. The floor is glossy. The air tastes like calamus here. There are a Giant Frog, an Elk, a Steam Mephit, a Mule, and a Night Hag here.

There is an engraving on the floor written in common.

Try dying.

the familiar tower

The floor is bloodstained. Red mushrooms are growing in broken urns.

the rich office

The air smells like clover here. Green moss is sprouting in a patch on the floor.